Basic Things to Consider When Planning a Website Design
New article on Maysun In C. And with lovely illustrations, if I say so myself. :-)
Basic Things to Consider When Planning a Website Design
New article on Maysun In C. And with lovely illustrations, if I say so myself. :-)
Updated the article 'How to Create a Picture Book' on the Maysun In C website. I had linked to it on this blog previously, now I've rewritten the text and added a few illustrations. I rather like the result.
This is a view of Taumadhi Square in Bhaktapur, Nepal. If you ever go to Nepal, be sure to visit this place. They have done a wonderful job of preserving much of the ancient town. It actually feels like stepping back in time.
I have a particular fondness for Bhaktapur because it was where I met Meijin.
I'm learning the alphabet all over again. :-)
Ten things I like starting with the letters A, B and C -
We have a new camera and the garden is quite lovely right now. I'm going to be painting it this month, one garden painting a day.
I'll be posting them on the AutumnSee blog. I also posted some self-portraits there last week. Called, very originally, self-portrait 2 and self-portrait 3 (self-portrait 1 is too wonky to be linked).
It feels real good to be painting again.